Saturday, 20 March 2010


Disaster has struck! Due to a sick child and domestic issues I haven't had time to blog much this week, inc Frisky Friday. It will be back as a bumper edition next week- promise :)

In the meantime, here are some lovely things to (hopefully) amuse you... *kisses*.

Beautiful, gorgeous objects of desire - oh how I wish I could find a UK stockist: Simply Blown

Again, finding a UK stockist of these would make me a very happy blogger, if anyone knows of one, please let me know! Thank you. Virtually Adult.

I have heard many a good thing about this clever little thing... am seriously contemplating saving up for one. This could make a certain someone very nervous - or very happy... Mantric Sysil.

Anyway... I'll be back, you don't get rid of me that easily ;)

J xx


I need to share a great blog post I just read... here.


  1. heya J. unfortunatley i dont know a stockist for the simply blown range. but LH sell this, which is simialarly shaped, and i quite like
    i'm guessing though its more astetics of the toy.

  2. Thanks hun - I have that one, but the entire range at simply blown is amazing :( oh well ...

    Thank you though

    J xx

  3. I have been lucky enough to experience the mantric sysil, its great but you do need the harness you can get to go with it, also avalable on LoveHoney. Otherwise it slides around a bit much and personally I cant concentrate on clenching & penetrating that much, lol


Thank you for your comments and feedback. Always very welcome x