Wednesday, 19 August 2009
LoveHoney Silencer 2.oh... oh...oh!
It would seem they liked the idea and I was told to keep an eye out - and I did; at least for a while but it eventually slipped my mind. That is until yesterday when I got an email from the lovely Ruth to say not only had it been made but one was on it's way to me for testing. Yeah!
This morning comes around and the postman duly drops it off to me. First impressions are GOOD people! This is going to be one brilliant toy. Watch this space for my full review once it has undergone through erm 'quality testing'. ;)
J xxx
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Thanks to all at LoveHoney; especially Andy for the much needed giggles this afternoon.
Here is an excerpt of the winning story from LoveHoney's 2009 Erotic Writing Competition: 'Madam President' by Lily Harlem.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Toys and such...

As Rizzo one said; "There are worse things I could do..."
The London Sex Project.
No, The London Sex Project is a porn DVD released by Joybear.
I was sent the 18 rated version of this to review. (R18 versions are available to view on the LSP site.)
Since I am not sure if/when the review will go live over at LoveHoney I have asked Ruth if I can publish it here; she said to go ahead so I shall!
Bear in mind I was reviewing the 18 rated film; a genre I'm not overly keen on to begin with but I tried to be fair in my review.
The London Sex Project by Joybear Pictures.
"The London Sex Project is a sexy, voyeuristic, spoof documentary featuring hardcore sex**. 6 out of 10 people have sex outside their relationship. Leading adult film producer, Joybear Pictures, has commissioned award-winning filmmaker, Oliver McDowell, to find out why.
London couples erotic stories in the London Sex Project. Featuring Tanya Tate, Danny Dong, Daria Glower and Kimberly Cox. "
- Joybear Pictures, LSP website.
**Once again this review focuses on the 18 rated version.
The pretext of this DVD is that five people - all with partners are allowing themselves to be filmed having sex with other people.
Some of them are in open relationships and some are not. The people they are being filmed with are 'supposedly' unaware of the cameras.
The cover is actually very tasteful - it's not tacky nor would it be intimidating to someone buying this kind of thing for the first time.
I have to admit, I usually prefer amateur porn, as it is more likely to turn me on as opposed to setting me off on a giggling fit at the wooden 'acting' and plastic stars. To me, a person really getting off is far hotter than a person blatantly faking - which is usually more comical than anything else.
Now, given the 'theme' of this DVD you would expect it to be more of an 'amateur' affair, but in several places the porn star fake moans were just laughable.
You rather get the feeling that it can't make up its mind what it wants to be. On one hand, you have the 'interviews' with the people beforehand, complete with shaking camera and visible sound equipment - all very convincing documentary style and fitting the pretext of the DVD.
Then once the sex starts it's suddenly all 'Miss Porn-Star' fake moaning to camera and both halves of the couple watching the cameras from the corner of their eye. Which is off-putting.
This is distracting and takes you 'out of the moment' a bit which rather defeats the point. It would be more enjoyable if it stuck with one or the other.
I'm not saying some of the scenes are not hot though; some of the couples really worked well together. Unfortunately the others were a bit of a letdown.
Suzie & Partner:
Fair enough, this is rated 18 not R18, but honestly, try to make it look real! These two didn't seem to have any real chemistry at all and wasn't a turn on whatsoever. Adding a collar and stockings does not make it an 'S&M' scene (or S&S as I am sure she said at the beginning - though I may have misheard). When it came to the actual sex, flashing a limp Larry less than two seconds before he supposedly enters her does not a believable scene make! Yes, it is tricky when you are trying not to show an erection but timing it better would not have been hard - if you'll excuse the pun.
I did have to giggle at her interview afterwards though. After shagging someone behind her partners back she explains;
'You just need to find the right partner and stick with them.'
Yes dear, bless your pretty little head!
I do hope she was being ironic.
Sue & Partner:
Now this was better, much better. My only complaint being that the sex was almost identical to the first couple - some variety would have been nice. Despite the cliché (husband away so housewife is banging the gardener) these two felt real - which is very sexy. They seemed very into one another which lets me get into it more and indulge my voyeuristic side. I liked these two a lot.
Oochay & Partner:
Again, this one felt a little more contrived; she arrives to 'rehearse' wearing practically nothing? Although to be fair, there as a good chemistry between the two of them. In fact the sex is so good that after a few minutes, I was starting to feel jealous of the blond despite thinking Oochay was a bit of a prat to start with.
Seb & Partner:
Well, again this one felt very contrived and fake, but who cares? These are two are really, really sexy together and Seb seems to have a sense of humour about it all which makes a change from the previous couples.
Jig & 'Partner'
Jig, oh Jig, you almost feel sorry for him.
While being interviewed prior to filming he is asked the name of the girl he's going to be filmed with. He is unable to do so and mutters some excuse.
All becomes clear when he answers the door to an over-dressed woman who asks
'are you Harry?'
His priceless reply being;
'erm, yeah!'
She then - without further ado - throws him onto the sofa. It would seem 'Harry' has decided/needed to hire a 'high class' call girl to be involved in the filming.
At the end he is asked whether he would do this again, to which he says he might. He's is then asked if it would be the same girl, to which he says
'erm, no',
only to be asked if she was not what he was expecting. His expression says it all.
This one was almost painful to watch and personally, not sexy at all.
Never mind Tom, Jig or Harry, whatever your name was!
While some scenes were undeniably hot - and I am sure other would enjoy it more, this just didn't really 'light any fires' for me I'm afraid. Yet it wasn't all bad. I just think there are far betters ones out there.
PROS: The idea is sound - and some of the couples worked well.
CONS: It just wasn't convincing enough - too many corny distractions.
BOTTOM LINE: It's not 'bad' as such, just didn't do it for me.
Till the next time... x
Friday, 7 August 2009
Lets start at the very beginning...
To my new readers and friends, hello! I'm Jen, your hostess for this morning/afternoon/evening/night as the case may be. I am in my mid/late twenties, mum of two and in a long term (permanent? I hope so...) relationship to 'D'.
I consider myself a very liberal open minded person with many and varied interests, sex-related and otherwise. I am openly bisexual - well maybe I have still have one foot int he closet. That is to say that although just about everyone I know online and many of my other friends know this, there are a number of people in my 'real life' that do not. It's never been a conscious effort to hide the fact, it just never came up. Now I am marrying a man, and previously was with a man for a long time - with whom I had the children - it's not something that seems worth bringing up; out of the blue, as it were. Still, that is who and what I am. I don't have a type as such. I like men and women, all shapes and sizes and colours. I have never been able to determine what it is about a person in general that catches my eye. It is a certain something, an 'x factor' I suppose that is either there or not. I know it when I see it though, and last year I suddenly saw it stronger than ever in an old friend... D. The rest as they say is history.
I suppose this blog is a little self-indulgent. Then. having said that, are most blogs not at least partly that too? You'll find snippets of my literotica work here along with previews and short stories written just for this blog. Pictures and toy reviews, opinions and discussions on the many things that interest me.
I suppose a recurring theme is likely to be BDSM play. I am very affected by being submissive. It is the basis of most the fantasies I have had since quite a young age. That isn't to say I don't have a domme streak in me, which from time to time clambers to the suffice. I think the surprise is half the fun ;)
Anyway, that's me. Well, what I am revealing now, no doubt more will come out as I add posts to this blog.
I will be back over the next few days with some reviews and general musings. In the meantime, please enjoy this snippet of my latest story 'Send' - the full story can be read here: Literotica ~ 'Send'.
Shit, shit, SHIT. Suddenly it hit her exactly how crazy this was. Yet again closing her eyes like a baby she opened the message, mentally reprimanding herself, 'for heavens sake, grow up. It's done, he's replied and closing your eyes won't change a damn thing. Read the bloody message!'
Teeth biting into her bottom lip she opened it;
'Omg hun, I wasn't expecting that! You look beautiful, you really do. Makes me want to suck those nipples, I'm so hard right now...'
Suppressing a nervous giggle she re-reads the text. Being called beautiful by him and knowing the effect her picture was having turned her on. Opening her thighs a little she felt a trickle of moisture slide from her tingling pussy towards her other hole. Pressing her thighs together again momentarily she pushed her buttocks down into the mattress, the pressure from her wiggling hips teasing her clit.
Thinking of the man she wanted lying in bed barely a mile away she began to type out a reply...
Please fell free to share your thoughts, good or bad on the story. Part two is a work in progress and will be available in the next week or so.
Until next time... x
Well, hello...
Definitions of the word 'closet':
[Middle English, private room, from Old French, diminutive of clos, enclosure, from Latin clausum, from neuter of clausus, enclosed]
1. A cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies, or clothing.
2. A small private chamber, as for study or prayer.
3. A water closet; a toilet.
4. A state of secrecy or cautious privacy: "John knew the time was approaching for him to come out of the closet."
See also:
clos·et·ed, clos·et·ing, clos·ets
1. Private; confidential: closet information.
2. Being so or engaging only in private; secret: a closet masochist; a closet alcoholic.
So this is my closet. A place for all that is hidden in my everyday life. A place for fantasy, creativity and fun. A place for my views, reviews and opinions on all matters of the more adult persuasion. Welcome.